Home > At Bright Kids Uganda > THANKS – ST. ANGELA COLLEGE, IRELAND


Dear [St. Angela College,Ireland

We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to take a moment to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the incredible support and generosity extended to us. Your contribution has had an immeasurable impact on the Paul Mukasa Education Centre.

The funds provided by St. Angela College, Ireland  were pivotal in enabling us to purchase the solar water pump, and connect the entire Paul Mukasa Education Centre to water Dormitories, Kitchen, Residences and Ebenezer School Clinic . The entire center now benefits from this sustainable and invaluable resource, allowing us to provide better facilities and opportunities for all those involved in our educational endeavors.

Your commitment to our cause has not only brought light and water to our center but has also illuminated the path to a brighter future for our School. The ripple effect of your kindness will be felt by generations to come.

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support, which has not only fulfilled a fundamental need but has also inspired hope and optimism within our community. Your generosity has truly made a difference in the lives of those we serve.

We look forward to continuing this journey together, making a lasting impact, and fostering a brighter tomorrow for all.

May God reward You abundantly



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