Home > Team Member > Vanessa Nakandi Sikyomu (Sponsored by the Family of Madelyn Rudoy)

Vanessa was born on 04/07/2009. Vanessa’s mother was a vulnerable and could hardly stay with her daughter to provide the required basic necessities. Vanessa’s mother is Agnes Kigongo and father, Henry Ssozi Kikomeko. A victim of an acid attack was born on the 04/09/2009 to Agnes Kigongo a widow to the late Henry Ssozi residents of Lutiisi village, Namayumba parish, wakiso district. She is a sister to Prossy Nabbale, Patricia Nampijja and Rosette Nakate Bangi.

BKU was happy to offer a conducive loving environment to Vanessa where she would be provided with good education, health care and welfare so that she lives better life like the rest of the children.

She arrived at BKU on the 03/01/2018 since her mother could not adequately support her.

Thank You My Sponsor !!!!