Divine is a born of 22nd May, 2013 to Lydia Nambooze and Denis Nsimbi (deceased) in Wakiso district and is a sister to Daphine Nanyonjo.
Stories ran on television about Denis Nsimbi, the father of Daphine and Divine. Denis was 31 years old then.
Denis started feeling back pain at the age 28 but did not take it seriously as he had always been a regular body builder and visitor to the gym. He thought this was related to the weights he was lifting.
After some 8 months, the pain escalated and he really started feeling unease although he continued with his work as a bouncer at a betting company. By the time the first year of pain neared the end, he was just dragging himself to work.
In 2018, his friends started looking at him with a lot of curiosity asking him why he was getting shorter and shorter every other day. Denis himself never noticed until then that he was growing shorter. By the end of 2018, he couldn’t continue with his work as a bouncer anymore and just started spending time with his friends just not to be bored at home. Several people that he knew started passing by him without saying hi unless he called them and explained to them that he was the Denis that they knew.
By 2019, Denis could not leave the house and fending for his three kids was left to the wife who was employed in a small beauty shop in Kampala. Paying rent and sustaining the kids at school also became a challenge.
In August 2019, Bright Kids Uganda offered to accommodate Denis and his family to at least lift one burden off his shoulders. His life became less and less promising as he was in and out hospital until he passed on in February 2020. Since then, his kids have remained under our care.
Thank You My Sponsor !!!!