When the children became tired from painting, they gathered together and were entertained by world renowned magician, Kevin Spencer from The Hocus Focus Project. Hocus Focus is a student centered experiential based academic and functional curriculum and Kevin incorporates magic tricks into the learning process.
Kevin, along with Mike Thompson, entertained the children with amazing and “can it be true?’ magic tricks as all of the children and adults stood with big eyes in disbelief that a scarf can really come out of your ear! You can read more about the wonderful work Kevin does at his website: http://www.hocusfocuseducation.com/.
In addition to the magic tricks, children were entertained with blowing up balloons and having them twisted in magical ways turning into animals, hats and other balloon creations. To add to their balloon hats, the face painting area was a popular spot as the children walked away with animal and mystical designs painted on their faces.