We reached out to Miss Nakalema Ruth, a 38 year old female living in Bugabo Village, Wakiso District. She was living with her four daughters, namely; Racheal (13 years old), Gloria (11 years old), Catherine (9-year-Old), and Carol (6 years old). Ruth was sickly, five-month pregnant, and lacked many basic items like food, furniture, beds, beddings, and personal effects. Three of her children had dropped out of school two years ago, only the second-born had secured sponsored with an organization called CHERISH.
With the help of a Friend from Heaven’s Family, USA, We were able to buy Posho, beans, Matooke, cooking oil, blankets, bedsheets, a bed, mattresses, beddings, clothes, and soap.
She was overjoyed when all these items were delivered to her house. Special thanks to all the people who join us to stand in the gap and financially support needy families whenever the need arises.